User impersonation in Asp.Net Core

I’ve blogged about user impersonation in Asp.Net MVC three years ago and this article has been in top 10 of most visited pages in my blog.

Since Asp.Net Core is out and more or less ready for production, it is time to review the article and give guidance how to do the same thing in Core. Approach have not changed at all, we do same steps as before, only some API been changed and it took me a bit of time to figure out all the updated API parts.

Impersonation Process

Impersonation is when an admin user is logged in with the same privileges as a user, but without knowing their password or other credentials. I’ve used this in couple applications and it was invaluable for support cases and debugging user permissions.

The process of impersonation in Asp.Net core is pretty simple – we create cookie for potential user and give this to the current admin user. Also we need to add some information to the cookie that impersonation is happening and give admin a way to go back to their own account without having to log-in again.

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Working With Attachments in DocumentDB

I’m building a prototype for a new project and it was decided to use DocumentDB to store our data. There will be very little data and even less relationship between the data, so document database is a good fit. Also there is a chance for us to use DocumentDB in production.

There is a comprehensive documentation about the structure and how it all ties together. Yet not enough coding samples on how to use attachments. And I struggled a bit to come up with the working solution. So I’ll explain it all here for future generations.


This diagram is from the documentation

And this is correct, but incomplete. Store this for a moment, I’ll come back to this point later.

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Active Directory Authentication with OWIN in MVC5. Part 2: Roles and Corrections

My first blog post about AD authentication proven to be very popular – amount of visits to this post in the last month have beaten the previous all-popular post about HTTPS in MVC and even about configuring Dependency Injection with Identity. So I decided to write a follow-up with clarifications and corrections.

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Performance Tuning of Entity Framework Requests

Most of my large projects are using Entity Framework. And Entity Framework is known to sometimes create crazy sql requests. Or rather it easily allows developers to create crazy queries. It is really easy to throw couple .Include() into your query and then return objects as they come from EF:

var products = dbContext.Products.Include(p => p.Tags)
                                 .Include(p => p.Reviews)
                                 .ToList(); // first query
foreach(var prod in products)
    var reviewers = prod.Reviews.Select(r => r.Owner).ToList(); // N+1

The above code is fictional, but most likely will produce N+1 issue. N+1 issue is when you don’t just issue a SELECT query, but follow up every returned row by another SELECT query to retrieve related entries. This is caused by EF feature called Lazy Loading. Read better explanation about Lazy Loading problem here. Basically think that your first query for Products returns 1000 records. Then in case of N+1, operation inside of foreach loop will produce another thousand queries to your database.

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Using OWIN and Active Directory to authenticate users in ASP.Net MVC 5 application

UPD There is a part 2 of this blog-post explaining how to do roles and fixing a minor issue with authentication.

UPD If you are on Windows 10 and get “System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The system cannot find the file specified”, have a look on this page. Thanks to David Engel for this link.

A while back I had to implement a login system that relied on in-house Active Directory. I did spend some time on figuring out how to work this in the nicest possible ways.

One of the approaches I used in the past is to slam Windows Authentication on top of the entire site and be done with it. But this is not very user-friendly – before showing anything, you are slammed with a nasty prompt for username/password. And you need to remember to include your domain name in some cases. I totally did not want that on a new green-field project. So here goes the instructions on how to do a nice authentication against your Windows Users or in-house hosted Active Directory.

For this project I’ll use Visual Studio 2015. But steps for VS2013 will be the same. Can’t say anything nice about any earlier versions of Visual Studio – I don’t use them anymore.

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Swagger Awesomeness

This post will be a dumping ground of links, problems and solutions related to Swagger. I’ll be putting updates here as I go along

I’m starting a new project and we would love trying new things. This time we would like to jump on the whole Azure Api Applications with Swagger as a descriptor of API.

Great article “What is Swagger”

Here is the whole Swagger Spec – have a look what is possible.

Here is the pretty cool page with Swagger file editor

Tutorials for ASP.Net

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Prevent Multiple Logins in Asp.Net Identity

I have seen a fair amount of questions on Stackoverflow asking how to prevent users sharing their password. Previously with MembershipProvider framework it was not a simple task. People went into all sorts of crazy procedures. One of the most common was to have a static global list of logged-in users. And if a user already in that list, the system denied their second login. This worked to an extent, until you clean cookies in the browser and try to re-login.

Luckily now Asp.Net Identity framework provides a simple and clean way of preventing users sharing their details or logging-in twice from different computers.

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Asp.Net Identity Invalid Token for password reset or email confirmation

I’m an avid user on StackOverflow in questions about Asp.Net Identity and I attempt to answer most of the interesting questions. And the same question comes up quite often: users try to confirm their email via a confiramtion link or reset their password via reset link and in both cases get “Invalid Token” error.

There are a few possible solutions to this problem.

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Strongly-Typed ID References to Razor-Generated Fields

The title is quite vague, but this is the best I can call this post. Bear with me, I’ll explain what I mean.

While working with Asp.Net MVC, in Razor views I use Html helpers a lot. My view end up looking like this:

@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Title)
@Html.TextAreaFor(m => m.Description)

And later if I write JavaScript and need to reference one of the input fields, I usually do this:

var title = document.getElementById("Title");
var description = document.getElementById("Description");

or if you use jQuery you go like this:

var title = $("#Title");
var description = $("#Description");

This is fine and works. Until you start renaming field names in your model. And then you need to track down where you hard-coded the input id. And many times these references slip away (they do from me!) and remain unchanged.

Would it not be great if these changed could be picked up automatically? or even better, do some sort of strongly-typed reference to the element if it is used in JavaScript?

Just use @Html.IdFor(m => m.Name)

And your JS code would look like this:

var title = document.getElementById("@Html.IdFor(m => m.Title)");
var description = $("#@Html.IdFor(m => m.Description)");

Below I’ve re-invented the wheel. [Facepalm]

So I trolled through MVC source code and figured out how it generates id’s for elements and here are my findings:

using System;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Web.Mvc;

public static class HtmlHelpers
    public static String ElementId<T, TResult>(this HtmlHelper<T> htmlHelper, Expression<Func<T, TResult>> selector)
        var text = System.Web.Mvc.ExpressionHelper.GetExpressionText(selector);
        var fullName = htmlHelper.ViewContext.ViewData.TemplateInfo.GetFullHtmlFieldName(text);
        var id = TagBuilder.CreateSanitizedId(fullName);

        return id;

As you can see, I have not made any custom code, all components are from MVC and are applied in the same order as MVC does when it generates id for elements when you call for @Html.EditorFor(). So this guarantees the provided id from this function will match the id in your form.

In the view you use it like this:

@Html.ElementId(m => m.Title)

And your JS code would look like this:

var title = document.getElementById("@Html.ElementId(m => m.Title)");
var description = document.getElementById("@Html.ElementId(m => m.Description)");

A bit of mouthful, but gives you the safety net of strong types. I have not actually used it widely, so not sure how it’ll work out in the longer run.