User impersonation in Asp.Net Core

I’ve blogged about user impersonation in Asp.Net MVC three years ago and this article has been in top 10 of most visited pages in my blog.

Since Asp.Net Core is out and more or less ready for production, it is time to review the article and give guidance how to do the same thing in Core. Approach have not changed at all, we do same steps as before, only some API been changed and it took me a bit of time to figure out all the updated API parts.

Impersonation Process

Impersonation is when an admin user is logged in with the same privileges as a user, but without knowing their password or other credentials. I’ve used this in couple applications and it was invaluable for support cases and debugging user permissions.

The process of impersonation in Asp.Net core is pretty simple – we create cookie for potential user and give this to the current admin user. Also we need to add some information to the cookie that impersonation is happening and give admin a way to go back to their own account without having to log-in again.

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Active Directory Authentication with OWIN in MVC5. Part 2: Roles and Corrections

My first blog post about AD authentication proven to be very popular – amount of visits to this post in the last month have beaten the previous all-popular post about HTTPS in MVC and even about configuring Dependency Injection with Identity. So I decided to write a follow-up with clarifications and corrections.

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Using OWIN and Active Directory to authenticate users in ASP.Net MVC 5 application

UPD There is a part 2 of this blog-post explaining how to do roles and fixing a minor issue with authentication.

UPD If you are on Windows 10 and get “System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The system cannot find the file specified”, have a look on this page. Thanks to David Engel for this link.

A while back I had to implement a login system that relied on in-house Active Directory. I did spend some time on figuring out how to work this in the nicest possible ways.

One of the approaches I used in the past is to slam Windows Authentication on top of the entire site and be done with it. But this is not very user-friendly – before showing anything, you are slammed with a nasty prompt for username/password. And you need to remember to include your domain name in some cases. I totally did not want that on a new green-field project. So here goes the instructions on how to do a nice authentication against your Windows Users or in-house hosted Active Directory.

For this project I’ll use Visual Studio 2015. But steps for VS2013 will be the same. Can’t say anything nice about any earlier versions of Visual Studio – I don’t use them anymore.

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Prevent Multiple Logins in Asp.Net Identity

I have seen a fair amount of questions on Stackoverflow asking how to prevent users sharing their password. Previously with MembershipProvider framework it was not a simple task. People went into all sorts of crazy procedures. One of the most common was to have a static global list of logged-in users. And if a user already in that list, the system denied their second login. This worked to an extent, until you clean cookies in the browser and try to re-login.

Luckily now Asp.Net Identity framework provides a simple and clean way of preventing users sharing their details or logging-in twice from different computers.

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Asp.Net Identity Invalid Token for password reset or email confirmation

I’m an avid user on StackOverflow in questions about Asp.Net Identity and I attempt to answer most of the interesting questions. And the same question comes up quite often: users try to confirm their email via a confiramtion link or reset their password via reset link and in both cases get “Invalid Token” error.

There are a few possible solutions to this problem.

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Sending Emails in Asp.Net Identity using Dependency Injection, Sendgrid and debugging it with

Part 1: AspNet Identity and IoC Container Registration

Sounds like I’m making a series of articles about ASP.Net Identity and how to use it with Depenency Injection. Part 1 have seen a lot of hits from Google in just a few days. I suppose it is worth extending the tutorial.

Building up on Part 1 where I wired all Identity components to be injected by Unity container, now I’m going to add emailing service for email confirmation and password reset.

My plan is to use SendGrid as a email service and email debugging service Mailtrap.IO as a hosted fake SMTP server.

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AspNet Identity and IoC Container Registration

TL;DR: Registration code for Autofac, for SimpleInjector, for Unity, for Castle Windsor.

Tony Mackay has an alternative walk-through of a very similar process but with Autofac

Part 2: Sending Emails in Asp.Net Identity using Dependency Injection, Sendgrid and debugging it with

Warning: If you don’t know what Dependency Injection is or you don’t know why you need this, don’t waste your time on this article. This approach is not recommended for cases when you don’t need a IoC container and have only a handful of controllers. Visual Studio template with Identity framework works great out of the box. You don’t need DI to enjoy full power of Asp.Net Identity. This article does not explain what DI is, how it works and why you need it. So proceed with caution and only if you know the difference between constructor injection and lifetime scope.

I regularly monitor StackOverflow for questions related to AspNet Identity framework. And one question keeps popping up over and over again: how do you use Inversion of Control containers with this framework.

If you know the main principles of Dependency Injection, things are very simple. Identity is very DI-friendly and I’ve done a number of projects with Identity and injected all Identity components via Autofac or SimpleInjector. The principles behind DI are applicable to all the containers, despite the differences in API’s for registration.

For the sake of this blog-post I’ll start with the standard VS2013 template and use Unity container, just because I’ve never used Unity before. You can view registrations for SimpleInjector in my test-project.

Projects where I used Autofac are far too complex to show as an example and none of them are open-source, so Autofac fans will have to figure out themselves from my examples.

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OwinContext and why you can have many of them

One other reader did send yet another interesting question. The conversation started about AspNet Identity, but the question is actually about Owin and how it works.

See this bit of code from HttpContextBaseExtensions

public static IOwinContext GetOwinContext(this HttpContextBase context)
    IDictionary<string, object> environment = GetOwinEnvironment(context);

    if (environment == null)
        throw new InvalidOperationException(

    return new OwinContext(environment);

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AspNet Identity Cookie Format

I’ve been reached out by one of my readers with a list of questions about AspNet Identity. First I thought the questions will be easy and I’ll wing them, but turned out that every single question in the list is worth of a separate blog post. So I’ll do a mini-series of Q-A posts about Identity framework and related stuff.

First question is about security token in a Cookie and how it is computed: Identity Framework creates a token in the cookie, token containing the same information (User.Id, Security Stamp, etc.); if the same user loggen-in in Chrome and Firefox, why are the cookies different?

I did think about it for a while, I guessed that cookie creation and expiration is encoded in the cookie, along with some sort of signature of the cookie. My guess was not far from the real world.

Fortunately, the code that deals with cookies is in Katana Project and is open-sourced.

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AspNet Identity and Owin. Who is who.

Recently I have found an excellent question on Stackoverflow. The OP asks why does claim added to Idenetity after calling AuthenticationManager.SignIn still persist to the cookie.

The sample code was like this:

ClaimsIdentity identity = UserManager.CreateIdentity(user, DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie );

var claim1 = new Claim(ClaimTypes.Country, "Arctica");

AuthenticationManager.SignIn(new AuthenticationProperties { IsPersistent = true }, identity );

var claim2 = new Claim(ClaimTypes.Country, "Antartica");

Yeah, why does claim2 is available after cookie is already set.

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