Read from your distribution CD file X:\i386\unattend.txt
The license key would be there.
Read from your distribution CD file X:\i386\unattend.txt
The license key would be there.
Loads of tweaks and fixes for WinXP here:
type “powercfg /RestoreDefaultPolicies” without brackets in command prompt to restore default settings in power management.
Open the I386 folder on your XP CD and find a file called SETUPP.INI. That file will contain a line starting PID=
The numbers following the ‘=’ indicate which version of XP is on the disc.
Here’s a list of all the various types of disc along with the volume name, date and PID numbers:
Windows XP Home Retail = WXHFPP_EN 08/23/01 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55277000
Windows XP Home Retail w/ SP1 = XRMHFPP_EN 08/29/02 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55277000
Windows XP Home Retail w/ SP1a = X1AHFPP_EN 03/31/03 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55277000
Windows XP Home Retail w/ SP2 = VRMHFPP_EN 08/04/04 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55277000
Windows XP Home Upgrade = WXHCCP_EN 08/23/01 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55285000
Windows XP Home Upgrade W/SP1 = XRMHCCP_EN 08/29/02 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55285000
Windows XP Home Upgrade W/SP1a = X1AHCCP_EN 03/31/03 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55285000
Windows XP Home Upgrade W/SP2 = VRMHCCP_EN 08/04/04 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55285000
Windows XP Home OEM = WXHOEM_EN 08/23/01 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55277OEM
Windows XP Home OEM w/ SP1 = XRMHOEM_EN 08/29/02 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55277OEM
Windows XP Home OEM w/ SP1a = X1AHOEM_EN 03/31/03 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55277OEM
Windows XP Home OEM w/ SP2 = VRMHOEM_EN 08/04/04 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55277OEM
Windows XP Home Volume = WXHVOL_EN 08/23/01 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55274270
Windows XP Home Volume W/ SP1 = XRMHVOL_EN 08/29/02 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55274270
Windows XP Home Volume W/ SP1a = X1AHVOL_EN 03/31/03 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55274270
Windows XP Home Volume W/ SP2 = VRMHVOL_EN 08/04/04 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55274270
Windows XP Pro Retail = WXPFPP_EN 08/23/01 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55274000
Windows XP Pro Retail w/ SP1 = XRMPFPP_EN 08/29/02 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55274000
Windows XP Pro Retail w/ SP1a = X1APFPP_EN 03/31/03 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55274000
Windows XP Pro Retail w/ SP2 = VRMPFPP_EN 08/04/04 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55274000
Windows XP Pro Upgrade = WXPCCP_EN 08/23/01 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55276000
Windows XP Pro Upgrade w/ SP1 = XRMPCCP_EN 08/29/02 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55276000
Windows XP Pro Upgrade w/ SP1a = X1APCCP_EN 03/31/03 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55276000
Windows XP Pro Upgrade w/ SP2 = VRMPCCP_EN 08/04/04 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55276000
Windows XP Pro OEM = WXPOEM_EN 08/23/01 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55274OEM
Windows XP Pro OEM w/ SP1 = XRMPOEM_EN 08/29/02 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55274OEM
Windows XP Pro OEM w/ SP1a = X1APOEM_EN 03/31/03 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55274OEM
Windows XP Pro OEM w/ SP2 = VRMPOEM_EN 08/04/04 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55274OEM
Windows XP Pro Volume = WXPVOL_EN 08/23/01 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55274270
Windows XP Pro Volume w/ SP1 = XRMPVOL_EN 08/29/02 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55274270
Windows XP Pro Volume w/ SP1a = X1APVOL_EN 03/31/03 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55274270
Windows XP Pro Volume w/ SP2 = VRMPVOL_EN 08/04/04 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55274270
Windows XP Pro Tablet PC w/SP1 Disc1 = XRMPFPP_EN 08/29/02 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55274000
Windows XP Pro Tablet PC w/SP1a Disc1 = X1APFPP_EN 03/31/03 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55274000
Windows XP Pro Tablet PC w/SP2 Disc1 = VRMPFPP_EN 08/04/04 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55274000
Windows XP Pro MSDN = WXPFPP_EN 08/23/01 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55274000
Windows XP Pro MSDN w/ SP1 = XRMPFPP_EN 08/29/02 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55274000
Windows XP Pro MSDN w/ SP1a = X1APFPP_EN 03/31/03 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55274000
Windows XP Pro MSDN w/ SP2 = VRMPFPP_EN 08/04/04 8:00 AM (08:00:00) 55274000
Windows XP Pro Evaluation = WXPEVL_EN
Note We recommend that you run System Restore to create a new restore point before you follow these steps.
If you are returned to the previous window, click Remind me later, and then restart the computer.
Sometimes you can not run Regedit. This is due to a setting in the registry itself.
When you try to run Regedit, you get a message like “Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator” or something similar.
To resolve this run the following command:
REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
This should get you the instant result.
When you are loaded up from WinXP boot CD, you can edit registry on existing installation on the HDD.
Check HKEY_USERS\Remote_Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Shell entry must be pointing to Explorer.exe.
Userint should point to C:\Windows\System32\Userinit.exe
Vodafone VMC Lite does not want to connect to the network if if is executed under Windows XP user with restricted privileges. The software comes up, but saying “No device” and no chance to connect.
How to resolve this: Login as Administrator, Uninstall VMC Lite and install full featured VMC software from Vodafone. Connect to the network. Then login as user and try to connect again – it should work now.
Bear in mind that WinXP is treating every USB port available as separate instance, not connected to each other.. so being logged in as Administrator plug in USB modem to every available port and connect. Otherwise you’ll hear moans from users saying modem is not working.
Simple solution, but I’ve spent quite a time to figure out the way.
RIP Vodafone -)
When WinXP is not executing any applications or *.exe files, this likely that the system is full of viruses, so better do a full scan with anti-virus that is run from bootable CD (there are a lot of them available, like Hiren’s CD or bootable Dr.Web).
After virus clean-up download this registry fix file and run it. This should fix the problem.