GitVersion vs dotnet pack on VSTS

Last night I run into a problem with GitVersion and dotnet pack command while running my builds on VSTS

The probem came up when I tried to specify a version number I’d like the package to have. There are answers on SO telling me how to do it and I’ve used it in the past. But this time it did not work for some reason, so I had to investigate.

Here is the way it worked for me.
To begin, edit your *.csproj file and make sure your package information is there:

    <Description>Some description</Description>
    <PackageReleaseNotes>This is a first release</PackageReleaseNotes>
    <Copyright>Copyright 2017 (c) Trailmax. All rights reserved.</Copyright>

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Publish Core XUnit Test Results in VSTS

Following my previous post, I’m building Asp.Net Core web application and I’m running my tests in XUnit. Default VSTS template for Asp.Net Core application runs the tests but it does not publish any results of test execution, so going into Tests results panel can be sad:

And even if you have a task that publishes test results after dotnet test, you will not get far.

As it turns out command dotnet test does not publish any xml files with tests execution results. That was a puzzle for me.

Luckily there were good instructions on XUnit page that explained how to do XUnit with Dotnet Core properly. In *test.csproj file you need to add basically the following stuff:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <PackageReference Include="xunit" Version="2.3.0-beta2-build3683" />
    <DotNetCliToolReference Include="dotnet-xunit" Version="2.3.0-beta2-build3683" />


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Check-in Nuget packages into your TFS

Yesterday Nuget server was down for couple hours. That wasn’t nice. I got stuck for a bit, because I blew up my environment and needed to re-download all the packages again. And some of them were not in the local cache. And just the same night Mr. Mark Seemann blogged that auto-restore in Nuget is considered harmful. And I could not disagree with Mark. Amount of time I’ve spent on trouble-shooting missing packages or package restore in the last year mounts to probably a week. Most of that time was spent for package restore on build servers. And just for these little shits I had to dig very deep into TFS build template, modify it, so it can restore packages before attempting to build it. It was not a nice experience.

Anyway, long story short. Today I decided to give that advice a go and check in packages for one medium sized project hosted on TFS. I went to Source Control Explorer, added existing folder of packages, it added a big number of files and then I checked-in.

Build server crunched for a moment and failed the build: references are not found. Strange. Connected to the build server and discovered that TFS by default ignored *.DLL files but included all other crap that comes with nuget packages (xml files,, source code, etc.). That was strange. After a bit of digging I found that TFS has a list of file-types that it looks for.

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