Many times I needed to save a list of files/names in a directory. Every time I forget how to do it and have to google for it.
The solution is pretty simple:
>dir /b > files.txt
>dir /b /s > files.txt
for recursive listing.
Many times I needed to save a list of files/names in a directory. Every time I forget how to do it and have to google for it.
The solution is pretty simple:
>dir /b > files.txt
>dir /b /s > files.txt
for recursive listing.
To remove Windows Genuine Advantage notification you can run the following BAT-file… or just do everything manual:
taskkill -IM wgatray.exe
del c:\Windows\System32\wgatray.exe
del c:\Windows\System32\wgalogon.dll
This might not work if Windows is running. You can boot from LiveCD or start Windows in Safe Mode and delete this files from there.
Put into your Linux box a HDD with NTFS system on it.. you would want to be able to read and write to it under user account, not only as root.
root#: fdisk -l
To find all the hard drives installed in your system.. locate the one that looks like freshly installed and
root#: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt/hdd -o force,uid=userID
where sdb1 is the name of that HDD you want to mount, and userID is your username.