Convert Due Date to human readable format

Sometimes you need to show date in a “Due in X-days” format, not just a date. This will convert date to a string with granularity: Today, tomorrow, yesterday, days, weeks, months.

public static class HumanTime
    public static string DueDate(DateTime dueDate) {
        return DueDate(dueDate, DateTime.Now);

    public static string DueDate(DateTime dueDate, DateTime dateNow) {
        DateTime nowDate = dateNow;

        TimeSpan ts = nowDate - dueDate;

        if (dueDate.Date == DateTime.Today)
            return "due today";

        if (dueDate.Date == DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).Date)
            return "due tomorrow";

        if (dueDate.Date == DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).Date)
            return "was due yesterday";

        int totalDays = (int)Math.Round(ts.TotalDays);
        if (Math.Abs(totalDays) < 7)
            return DueStringFormat(totalDays, "day");

        int weeks = (int)Math.Round( ts.TotalDays / 7 );
        if (Math.Abs(weeks) < 5 && Math.Abs(totalDays)<30 )
            return DueStringFormat(weeks, "week");

        int months = (int)Math.Round( ts.TotalDays / 30 );
        return DueStringFormat(months, "month");

    public static string DueStringFormat(int count, string unit)
        string format = "{0} {1}";
        if (count < 0)
            format = "due in {0} {1}";
            format = "{0} {1} overdue";

        return String.Format(format, Math.Abs(count), unit.Quantify(count));

    /// Adds "s" suffix to a word if there are more than one thing involved.
    public static string Quantify(this String singular, int count)
        int abs = Math.Abs(count);
        if (abs > 1)
            return singular+"s";
            return singular;