Many times I needed to save a list of files/names in a directory. Every time I forget how to do it and have to google for it.
The solution is pretty simple:
>dir /b > files.txt
>dir /b /s > files.txt
for recursive listing.
Many times I needed to save a list of files/names in a directory. Every time I forget how to do it and have to google for it.
The solution is pretty simple:
>dir /b > files.txt
>dir /b /s > files.txt
for recursive listing.
set the form’s KeyPreview property to true, and add this override to the Form code:
protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e) { base.OnKeyDown(e); if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Escape) this.Close(); }
taken from here:
; System-wide Mercurial config file.
; !!! Do Not Edit This File !!!
; This file will be replaced by the installer on every upgrade.
; Editing this file can cause strange side effects on Vista.
; To change settings you see in this file, override (or enable) them in
; your user Mercurial.ini file, where USERNAME is your Windows user name:
; XP or older – C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Mercurial.ini
; Vista or later – C:\Users\USERNAME\Mercurial.ini
; editor used to enter commit logs, etc. Most text editors will work.
editor = notepad
; show changed files and be a bit more verbose if True
; verbose = True
; username data to appear in commits
; it usually takes the form: Joe User
; username = Joe User
; In order to push/pull over ssh you must specify an ssh tool
;ssh = “C:\Progra~1\TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoisePlink.exe” -ssh -2
;ssh = C:\cygwin\bin\ssh
; For more information about mercurial extensions, start here
; Extensions shipped with Mercurial
;acl =
;alias =
;bookmarks =
;bugzilla =
;children =
;churn =
;color =
;convert =
;extdiff =
;fetch =
;gpg =
;graphlog =
;hgcia =
;hgk =
;highlight =
;interhg =
;keyword =
;mq =
;notify =
;pager =
;parentrevspec =
;patchbomb =
;purge =
;rebase =
;record =
;transplant =
;win32mbcs =
;win32text =
;zeroconf =
; To use cleverencode/cleverdecode, you must enable win32text extension
; Encode files that don’t contain NUL characters.
; ** = cleverencode:
; Alternatively, you can explicitly specify each file extension that
; you want encoded (any you omit will be left untouched), like this:
; *.txt = dumbencode:
; Decode files that don’t contain NUL characters.
; ** = cleverdecode:
; Alternatively, you can explicitly specify each file extension that
; you want decoded (any you omit will be left untouched), like this:
; **.txt = dumbdecode:
; If you enable win32text filtering, you will want to enable this
; line as well to allow patching to work correctly.
; eol = crlf
; Define external diff commands
;cmd.bc3diff = C:\Program Files\Beyond Compare 3\BCompare.exe
;cmd.vdiff = C:\Progra~1\TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoiseMerge.exe
;cmd.vimdiff = gvim.exe
;opts.vimdiff = -f ‘+next’ ‘+execute “DirDiff “.argv(0).” “.argv(1)’
; Replace the following with your path to hgk, uncomment it and
; install ActiveTcl (or another win32 port like tclkit)
; path=”C:\Program Files\Mercurial\Contrib\hgk.tcl”
; vdiff=vdiff
; The git extended diff format can represent binary files, file
; permission changes, and rename information that the normal patch format
; cannot describe. However it is also not compatible with tools which
; expect normal patches. so enable git patches at your own risk.
;git = false
;nodates = false
# Some default global settings for common merge tools
kdiff3.args=–auto –L1 base –L2 local –L3 other $base $local $other -o $output
gvimdiff.args=–nofork -d -g -O $local $other $base
tkdiff.args=$local $other -a $base -o $output
xxdiff.args=–show-merged-pane –exit-with-merge-status –title1 local –title2 base –title3 other –merged-filename $output –merge $local $base $other
diffmerge.args=–nosplash –merge –title1=base –title2=local –title3=other $base $local $other
p4merge.args=$base $local $other $output
tortoisemerge.args=/base:$base /mine:$local /theirs:$other /merged:$output
ecmerge.args=$base $local $other –mode=merge3 –title0=base –title1=local –title2=other –to=$output
ecmerge.regkey=Software\Elli\xc3\xa9 Computing\Merge
filemerge.args=-left $other -right $local -ancestor $base -merge $output
beyondcompare3.args=$local $other $base $output /ro /lefttitle=local /centertitle=base /righttitle=other /automerge /reviewconflicts /solo
beyondcompare3.regkey=Software\Scooter Software\Beyond Compare 3
winmerge.args=/e /u /dl local /dr other /wr $local $other $output
Plugins I use in VS2010:
MS Ergonomic Keyboard has very nice slider between hands. Unfortunately this slider by default is set to be zoom option. It would be infinitely more useful to assign scroll to this, so you don’t have to move your hand to mouse every time you need to scroll your web-page.
To change the slider function follow the instructions:
Or just download the file commands.xml
Sometimes Visual Studio is playing silly buggers and does not let you rebuild your C# project.
For avoiding this follow the instructions:
Project properties => Build Events
in Pre-build event put this:
if exist “$(TargetPath)” move “$(TargetPath)” “$(TargetPath).delete.%random%”
in Post-build event put this:
del “$(TargetPath).delete.*”
Problem solved
Надоели “выскакивания” Skype при старте компа?
Skype как всегда страдает отсуствием нужных настроек. Со времени последнего апдейта (у меня это если он стоит в автозапуске при старте компа, постоянно “выпрыгивает” Skype-Home. Надоело? Тогда читайте дальше.
Настроек для отключения этой фигни, естественно, нет. Поэтому придется покопаться грязными ручками в базах данных самого Skype. Дело это ответственное, поэтому лучше понимать, что делаешь. Ну, или как минимум, делать в точности то, что описано. За проблемы, возникшие в ходе описанных действий, я ответственности не несу! :)
1. Отключаем Skype. Чтоб запущен не был.
2. Первым делом, скачиваем маленькую программу SQLite Database Browser. Она маленькая, установки не требует. Нужно только распаковать скачанный ZIP.
3. Идем на локальном компе в папочку “%APPDATA%\Skype\shared_dynco”, находим файл db.db. Делаем его копию на всякий случай (я ее назвал original_db.db).
4. Запускаем SQLite Database Browser и открываем вышеупомянутый файл db.db. Переходим на таб “Browse Data”, выбираем в списке таблицу “bupdate”.
5. Рядом с именем таблицы жмем синенькую кнопочку поиска, в открывшемся окне вводим “uri”, “contains” и “webapp”. Жмем поиск, находится только одна запись, переходим на нее.
6. Жмем двойным кликом на поле “body” этой записи и удаляем все содержимое тега webapps (выделено на картинке), сам тег должен остаться.
7. Говорим “Apply changes”, сохраняем базу и закрываем программу.
Find all the files in a directory that has particular text on the first line of the file
find GA.Allocation/ -name *.cs -exec head {} -n 1 \; | grep pattern
Simple enter the following code where you want the teaser to end: